Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Rolling my stockings down
Another glimpse at my little 20's paper doll girls. She is ready for a night on the town, stockings rolled down and arms on display.
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Santa! I know him!
I totally saw Santa in the drive through of Starbucks this morning.
I am spending a few days in Atlanta with the family. One of my favorite things is seeing the joy on my two nephews' faces. I also like trying to put on all my gifts at one time. Love those traditions.
I hope you all have a wonderful and magical Christmas wherever you may be.
I am spending a few days in Atlanta with the family. One of my favorite things is seeing the joy on my two nephews' faces. I also like trying to put on all my gifts at one time. Love those traditions.
I hope you all have a wonderful and magical Christmas wherever you may be.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
I spent the last couple of days finishing up the last of my super secret Christmas projects. In the midst of all that, there was not much paper doll making going on. But, the good news is, now that Christmas projects are done, the paper dolls are back in full force!
Here is a look at my 1920's paper dolls. The styling and cut of clothes during the 20's was so different than anything in other decades. Women went from the tightly corseted s-curved shape of the Victorian era, to the boyish figure and bobbed hair of the 20's. My favorite thing is that it became fashionable for young ladies to apply make-up in public.
Monday, December 19, 2011
A little slice of cake
Some of you may remember when I painted a custom wedding cake topper for my friends Christina and Travis for their wedding. That piece got me thinking how fun it would be to make some paper doll wedding cake toppers. I have slowly been designing, cutting out, and painting a little collection of these toppers, and I wanted to go ahead and share one with you. I intend to have a wide variety of designs, and all the toppers can be customized to match your dress, colors, anything! I can even paint in your faces.
And, you will soon be able to order them on my new Etsy shop: A Toast, A Dance, and A Slice of Cake.
And, you will soon be able to order them on my new Etsy shop: A Toast, A Dance, and A Slice of Cake.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
One last chance
Today is your last chance to take advantage of my Procrastinators Sale over on my Etsy shop. Just enter the coupon code SantaBaby for 25% off everything in the store. I am sure there is someone on your list who would love a paper doll (or a few) this Christmas. Go now!
Friday, December 16, 2011
Paper Doll How To
I realized recently that I may be taking for granted that everyone understands the idea of a paper doll. And, for the most part that is true. All day long I have people (typically women) coming into the studio and sharing their memories of playing with paper dolls when they were younger.
I have had to explain them to a number of small children (who look at me like I am crazy when I say that I played with paper as a child.) But I have also discovered that some people (mainly men) have absolutely no concept for what a paper doll is.
So for those of you who have been wondering what in the world I have been talking about these past several months, and why I keep painting these headless figures, read on...
The concept of a paper doll is fairly simple. You have your paper doll figure (in the middle), dressed in her finest undergarments, plus an assortment of outfits, accessories, and hairstyles drawn in her same size and pose. It is like having the greatest closet ever, with everything already coordinated, accessorized, and ready to go.
And, just like for most real women, the difficult part is deciding what outfit to wear. (Another challenge with paper dolls is not accidentally cutting off the tabs or one of the doll's limbs when you are cutting her out. This is why I think the new magnetic "paper " dolls that come pre-cut are cheating. We had to work for our fun!)
After picking your dolls outfit, just line it up with the doll figure, fold the tabs back to hold the outfit in place, and, voila, she is ready for a night out on the town.
For you ladies out there who loved playing with paper dolls as much as I did, I hope this was a trip down memory lane. And for those of you who finally understand what it is I have been doing, you're welcome.
(And, a special thanks to August Vernon for making a few extra prints of my paper dolls so that I had plenty to cut out and play with all day in the name of blogging.)
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Helping in the Kitchen
Althought his wife was the cook in the family, Harold decided to give the little woman the night off and make dinner. Surely, if he could handle things in the business world, he could manage this, right? Now, what's that burning smell?
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
At the Close of Day
There wasn't much Harold liked more at the end of a long day than a warm pair of slippers, a pipe, and his easy chair. That and a good ice cream sunday...
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Up at Bat
"Careers and higher education are leading to the masculinization of women, with enormously dangerous consequences to the home, the children, and our country. When our boys come home from war, what kind of girls will they be coming home to? And now the most disgusting example of this sexual confusion: Mr. Walter Harvey of Harvey bars is presenting us with women's baseball. Right here in Chicago, young girls plucked from their families are gathered at Harvey Field, to see which one of them can be the most masculine. Mr. Harvey, like your candy bars, you're completely... nuts." - A League of Their Own
Monday, December 12, 2011
Daily Life
Now that the war was over, Bill was adjusting back to civilian life. At least the food was infinitely better at home.
Procrastinators Unite!
I don't know about the rest of you guys, but I am one of those people who plans great gifts for her family members, but never gets around to buying/making them until the last minute.
So, for all of you who are like me, I am having a Procrastinators Sale on my Etsy shop. Just enter the coupon code SantaBaby for 25% off any of the paper dolls in my shop. Good today through this Saturday, December 17.
So, for all of you who are like me, I am having a Procrastinators Sale on my Etsy shop. Just enter the coupon code SantaBaby for 25% off any of the paper dolls in my shop. Good today through this Saturday, December 17.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
I wish I was back in the army
Friday, December 9, 2011
Higher Education
Bill loved being in college. The sports, the friends, the freedom, even the classes were swell. And the women made for the most interesting study of all.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Flapper style
I have been researching 1920's fashions for another set of my paper doll drawings. The styles of this decade are so completely different from what I am used to with my 40's and 50's work. It has been fun diving into a different era for a time. Don't be surprised if I start wearing a cloche after this.
Equal opportunity
This one is for all of you who say I never include men in my work. I've given my 1940s paper doll woman a 1940s paper doll husband!
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
School Days
The school day would be dreadful if it weren't for the cute boy in front of her in English class. Too bad he only had eyes for the girl one row over. At least for now...
Monday, December 5, 2011
Saturday, December 3, 2011
All in a Days Work
Betty clocked in for another day at the machine shop, knowing the boys were counting on her work. Besides, all this work was doing wonders for her figure.
Friday, December 2, 2011
In the Army Now
Dorothy decided to do her part while the boys were overseas. Besides, who could resist these uniforms?
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Date night
Betty anxiously waited for Bobby to pick her up for their date. But the butterflies in her stomach would not keep her from this most important night.
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