I received an email this morning from a library assistant at LaGrange College. They had come across my blog after I mentioned that my grandmother attended there, and asked if I would be willing to share some of her photos from her time at LaGrange. I've been spending a few days with my parents in Atlanta, and my mom pulled out several copies of "The Scroll", LaGrange's literary magazine. My Grandmother had been the editor-in-chief in 1940. In the 1940 Commencement issue, we found this poem that she had written:
On Leaving L.C.
I take one hasty glance around my room.
The shelves are bare; the drawers yawning wide.
My books are packed away in musty gloom.
One last remembering minute, then I'll go.
How strange the beds and barren table look!
So much more hopelessly forlorn than when
I came four years ago. But every nook
Now holds a host of haunting memories.
No use to stay, I'll quickly close the door.
Oh, there's my worn-out shoe brush- an excuse
To walk again across this old familiar floor.
Four happy years, with just one minute left.
Shirley Barton
Another glimpse into the life of someone I knew, but also never really knew.

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