I have spent the rest of the afternoon emailing, researching, and doing all the business stuff that often gets put on the back burner, but is so important to being a successful artist. So, I thought today I would post another older piece in the spirit of Valentine's Day.

24"x 24"
Oil on Canvas
This painting, currently one of the ones on display at Adam's Bistro, probably gets more comments than all of my other paintings. People want to know why she has been painted in, while he remains a mere outline in the background. I have had people ask if it is a feminist statement, if he is a figment of her imagination, or if he is the spirit of her departed husband. Do you have an interpretation? Want to know what I think? You'll just have to come by the studio and ask me...
this is my favorite one! I love illustrations like this, we have a dishwasher in our house made in 1956, and the illustrations in the manual are so great...I wish they still made them like that.
Thanks Sharon! I agree. A part of me would like to get rid of my modern appliances and replace them with vintage ones. They were so much prettier!
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