4 1/4"x 5 1/2"
Oil on Mat board
To purchase, email me with the title in the subject line.
Exactly two years ago today, I created my first daily painting of this same shell, which I happened to pull out of a shoe box a few days ago. Since that first painting, I have created some 380 paintings, had close to 20 shows, moved my studio out of my home and into my downtown space, launched my website, and quit my full time job to focus all my time on painting. I have to say it has been a heck of a couple of years!
Be sure to mark your calenders for my anniversary show, Two:Another Year of Painting, on Feb. 20 at the Art & Light Gallery in West Greenville. Music will be provided by Travelers Rest resident, Stephanie Fagan, and you will have the chance to win your very own Emily Clarke original! It promises to be a great night.
Thanks again to everyone who has supported me over the past two years. And now, on to year three!
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