Happy New Year Everybody! I had every intention of sitting down to write this post this time last week. In fact, Monday night I made my mental to-do list of all the things I was going to accomplish in order to get 2011 off to an organized and enthusiastic start. That was until I woke up on Tuesday morning with a raging sinus infection that has completely knocked me flat for the past week. I rang in the new year huddled under a blanket on my couch, clutching my box of tissues in one hand and a glass of sparkling grape juice in the other.
That rough start aside, though, I am excited about the prospect of 2011. 2010 was a year of choices and balance. The choices mainly centered around choosing to give up a portion of my free time for a bit more guaranteed income, and learning to balance all the new things I had taken on board. Some days felt like a mad dash from one job to another, getting home at night with just enough time to rest up and start again the next day.
But 2011 dawned with a clearer idea of the work that has to be done and a lot of hope for the future. I already have some exciting projects in the works, and a few others in the planning stages. I have plans to experiment with a few new media in the coming months, as well as to continue to master my current one. And, I am hoping to make some much needed updates to the blog, website, newsletter, and other areas of my business as well. Thanks for sticking around through the past few years, and here's to many more exciting adventures to come! I leave you with a few of the commissions I completed for Christmas. Enjoy!