The main reason for my lack of posts last week is these two little guys:

This is my nephew Diego and his new little brother, Mateo. They are my absolute favorite two little guys in the world! But, now I am back in the studio, again working away on several commissions and pieces for my vintage show, Oil and Rouge: A Vintage Affair. I can't help but give you another look at one of the pieces for the show!

And, in case you haven't heard, this Friday, August 7 from 6-9pm, I am having an August Ice Cream Social and Name Your Own Price Sale at my studio in Falls Park in Greenville, SC! That's right- forget the price on the tags! Offer me any reasonable price on all original paintings, and the piece is yours for that price. You may be surprised what I will consider a reasonable price. (although, naturally, I reserve the right to refuse anything too low. $5 for a $400 piece? No sale) Plus, all prints are 15% off. Plus, you will get a peek at even more of the pieces for October's vintage show!
Come on out and enjoy some ice cream on me and buy art for a great price. Hope to see you there! Emily Clarke Studio is located at 300 River St., in the middle of Falls Park in downtown Greenville, SC.