My sister's friend, Kathryn Bowen, took the photo this painting is based on during their recent trip to Peru. I love the texture in this piece. You can expect to see more of Kathryn's photos from that trip soon!
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I have been doing several of these drawings recently, and they are quite a fun challenge. I mostly enjoyed capturing the interactions between the children in this one.
I am really happy with this piece. I have done so many pieces of my grandmother recently, whether just her hands or her whole figure, but they have all been from pictures of her when she was younger. This piece, on the other hand, was from a later picture of her, the way that I remember her. It was so much fun to paint these older hands, as well as the details of her dress and sweater.
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For this piece, I decided to combine the hand studies I have been doing with the family portraits I did in my last series. This is a very tight crop of a picture of my grandmother sitting on a hill. I tried to replicate the scratched and faded look of the photograph in the background. I may be exploring this idea further.
I am very excited to announce the launch of my new website,! On the site, you can see collections of my larger work, get updates on upcoming shows, and get more information about myself and my work. You can even get directions to the studio. And, don't worry, I will still be posting (almost) daily paintings here on my blog, which can also be easily accessed through the new site. Thanks everyone for your continued support!
A while back, I did a painting of my sister's tennis shoes. This time, I decided to paint my own. There seemed to be something patriotic about painting a pair of blue Converse shoes. Happy 4th of July!
To purchase, email me with the title in the subject line.
It was interesting on this piece to focus on the flat area of the palm, and the small details, rather than focusing on odd angles or intertwining fingers.
To purchase, email me with the title in the subject line.
This piece was fairly complicated. Trying to make the fingers look like they were coming off of the correct hand was more difficult than you might think!