Monday, July 23, 2012

Taking inventory

More than two years ago I made a few changes in my day-to-day routine. I took on several teaching positions, added a few more private students, and even started a part-time job. All of this was in order to make the everyday cost of living a bit easier to bear while I worked on my art business. Some things have helped (wow, health insurance is great!) while some have gotten in the way of my ultimate goal. And I have learned a lot, about my abilities, my stamina (over many 13+ hour workdays), my patience, and myself.

I am sitting in a coffee shop on this Monday afternoon, simply taking inventory of my life and how it jives with my future plans. The to-do list I have sitting beside me is immense, but instead of dread, it fills me with excitement. There is so much I can do, including several things that I have ignored over the past couple of years. It is a hopeful day, not an overwhelming one.

Why should you care about all this? Maybe you don't. In that case, just skip on to the next blog in your reader. I will have more art posted tomorrow for those of you visiting for the images, not for my waxing on about life.

But, I hope all of you that are fans of my work will be glad that I am making lists and making plans. Because it will mean more art, more shows, more interesting posts, and much more excitement to come. Expect to see a whole new line of watercolor paper dolls and a new paper doll print shop. I am working towards self-publishing a line of paper doll coloring books and an e-book on creating your own paper dolls. Keep an eye out for more shows, more classes, and more "stand-ins" for those of you who make it down to the studio.

Thank you friends for your support, encouragement, and for sticking with me over the last few months blog break. You can do me a favor by sharing my blog with friends, signing up for my newsletter in the sidebar of this blog, or heading over and "liking" my Facebook page.

And, please keep coming back to the blog! I am planning on posting every weekday, so visit often for new artwork, looks into my process, inspirations, and maybe even a guest or two. Until tomorrow!


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