Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Glamorous Life of an Artist

A glimpse at a typical day in my very glamorous life as an artist:
1. Alarm clock at 7:45. Hit snooze 4 times.
2. Realize that by doing so I have given myself 30 minutes to get ready
3. Throw on clothes, guzzle coffee, get directions to museum in Columbia where 2 paintings need to be dropped off.
4. Wire back of paintings in parking lot of apartment building.
5. Car radio broken. Loudly sing show tunes for hour and a half trip.
6. Pull up to museum. Take stock of how I am dressed for the first time. Hope museum staff will chock up my appearance to being "artsy."
7. Get paintings into museum moments before first raindrop falls.
8. Drop off paintings (approximate amount of time: 30 seconds)
9. Run back to car through downpour. Settle uncomfortably in car for one and a half hour trip home in wet clothes.
10. Run out of show tunes.
11. Think of several new, brilliant ideas for paintings. Lament the fact that you cannot sketch while driving.
12. Lunch
13. Head for studio. Turn back for forgotten package that needs to go to Post Office.
14. Drive past Post Office
15.Stand in non-moving Post Office line while postal employee explains in painful detail to woman at front of line what forms of id are needed to open a PO Box.
16. Arrive at studio, exhausted, having forgotten new, brilliant ideas for paintings. Start again tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could have been a stowaway for the show tunes medley.
