Thursday, January 27, 2011

Hair today, gone tomorrow

When I was little, I always had long, thick, dark brown hair, and I hated getting it cut. I would cling to it like a thick brown security blanket. It wasn't until I finished high school that I discovered the joys of changing your hairstyle, and especially over the past few years, it has changed fairly often. About a year ago, because of budgetary concerns and because it is something I always wanted to do, I made the decision to grow out my hair so that I could donate it to Locks of Love. I have slowly been saving up my dollars and growing out those inches to have the required 10" of hair. Finally, yesterday I reached my goal, and was able to go from this:

to this:

About a foot of hair gone and approximately 5 pounds lost in about an hour.

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  1. Whoa looks so good!! I donated my hair to Locks of Love a couple years ago too (still growing it out to do it again) – isn't it weird seeing 5lbs of hair in a little baggy?? Such a good cause though, good on you.

  2. It looks GREAT...very classy!

  3. Em! I love it! You look beautiful! :o)
