Tuesday, June 15, 2010

On Pictures

For several weeks now I've been sharing my mom's old camera with my sister. Ever since my camera died, it has been great to have another one, but it often leads to days like today.

Planning to spend the day working on commissions and go to a meeting at the art museum, I happily left the apartment this morning camera-free. As much as I love the commissions I am currently working on, there often comes a point when a little voice whispers to me, "stop. Work on something else, just for fun." After several good hours of work, that voice started nagging me, and I decided to satisfy it, pulling out one of my 6"x6" pieces of masonite and a beautiful picture of my great uncle and his first wife.

I love the resulting piece. It turned out just as I hoped it would. But, no camera...

I glare at the useless hunk of plastic and metal that is my broken camera, and that is still (inexplicably) sitting on my drawing table, mocking me. I suppose I could wait until tomorrow to post the painting, but I want to share the joy and satisfaction I feel with my dear friends who check in to the blog every day.

So, my lovely little painting is reduced to a blurry, grainy, badly lit photo taken on my cell phone.

I just can't do it...

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