Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Two Views of Her Face (or why I hate technology)

Remember my miraculously fixed camera a couple of weeks ago? Well, apparently it was only a temporary fix, because once again my photos are coming out looking like this:

While it's an interesting effect, it's not really helpful when it comes to photographing art. If anyone knows a way to fix this problem, please let me know!

So, once again, I had to shoot my painting on my cell phone. I spent most of Saturday working on this piece, and I am officially in love with it. I have mentioned recently how much I like old photo booth photos, and this is one of my Grandmother from around 1938-1941. The original photo is tiny, but I wanted to paint it really large. I recycled an old canvas from college, back when I couldn't paint anything that was much smaller than wall sized. This one is about 2ft by 4ft. The challenge on the faces was to make them look like two views of the same woman, and not two different women wearing the same outfit. I still need to work on the clothes and background, but I am so happy with the faces that I had to go ahead and share, despite the technological setbacks.

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