Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A Bit of Poise

The time period on this one is a little further back than I usually go, but it is such a beautiful portrait that I had to paint it. It is another one of my relatives, a great-grandmother I think. I am fascinated by her elaborate hairstyle and huge bow. I wonder what her day to day life was like. This is another one of my new "painting-minis," which will be listed in my Etsy store as soon as I can get some better pictures. It is 4"x 4", oil on wood panel. The sides are 1" thick and painted red.


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  1. Emily, you are truly a gifted artist.

    Corliss Chambers
    (Jessica's mom from BHS band)

  2. Corliss, thank you so much! It is great to hear from you!
