Wednesday, March 10, 2010

More Adventures in Watercolor

6"x 6"
Watercolor on Masonite

Today I continued to work on my love/hate relationship with watercolor. While I love some of the effects I can get with the medium, I am still trying to figure out what I can and cannot do with it. For example, there is something that I like about this piece, done from an old photobooth photo of my grandmother, but I an not completely happy with the drawing of her face and wish I could adjust it a bit. If this were oil paint, I would just wipe it off or paint over it. What I should do is a bit more pre-planning on pieces like this, which is not something I am used to doing either. I always like to just dive right in. But, I do love the lightness in her face, as well as the texture I was able to create in the background with the watercolor on masonite.

This photo is part of a strip of photos of my grandmother. I intend to do a larger version of the whole strip in oil. There is something facinating about photobooths and the pictures they create. A lot of "happy accidents", as Bob Ross would say, and candid moments in amongst the posed shots. And I have noticed that photobooths have an almost hypnotic pull on people. Try walking past one without at least thinking about stepping inside! I know I have shared the link to Square America before, but I wanted to specifically point out their collection of photobooth photos from the 1930's through the 70's. Lots of fun to look through.
 Photo courtesy
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