Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Hello friends! If you haven't been over to my vintage blog to see photos from Oil and Rouge, click over there now to see all the amazing fun we had!

So, after a brief rest over the weekend, it was back to work this week. I spent much of Monday and Tuesday rearranging the studio, making room for some of the Oil and Rouge pieces on the big wall of art. Plus, I am in the process of redoing my website. Be on the lookout for the launch of the new in the coming week!

Plus, this Saturday the artists of Art Crossing are hosing Starry Night, a family friendly alternative to Halloween, featuring art, music, food and drinks. Check out our Facebook page for more details. And, to top it all off, next weekend is the anual Open Studios!

But, I have managed to get a little painting in among all this work. This piece is from a great photograph of my grandparents and my mom standing by their front porch. I hope to do many more of these little paintings, all framed in various old frames, to create a huge wall of old family photos.

8"x 10"
Oil on Matboard
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