Friday, April 24, 2009

Flat Out Under Pressure

I spent the day today participating in a contest called "Flat Out Under Pressure", a 24-hour art-making juried event where the winning artworks will be recreated on 10 new recycling bins in downtown Greenville as a type of outdoor gallery. Other prizes include cash and a trip to Italy! I had to report in this morning with my blank canvas, and we were given 24 hours to complete a piece. I got started around 9:30am, and around 11:00am it looked like this...

And, a mere 11 hours after I started, after much debate and experimentation, it ended up looking like this...

I am pretty pleased with the outcome. I love the bright colors in contrast with the brown paper. I created this image out of several different images. I wanted to create a "night out on the town in Greenville" scene set in the 1950's. In order to get it, I combined an actual photo of the Westin Poinsett Hotel here in Greenville with figures from a couple different 50's ads. I think the combination ended up being pretty seamless. I am excited about the show and awards ceremony tomorrow night. It will be fun to see what everyone else came up with. Thanks to all you who stopped by to cheer me on!
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