Wednesday, March 14, 2007

"View From the Studio: 9 am"

15 1/2" x 13"
Oil on Mat board

The beautiful weather yesterday inspired me to work on this larger piece that I started several weeks ago. It is still in progress, but I thought I would show you an example of one of my larger paintings. I will post more updates of this one as it progresses.

I received an email notification about an art show titled "The View from the Studio." That got me thinking about my own little studio and its view. The windows, on two walls, look out at other buildings in the complex, and overlook a grassy yard. But out those windows I see people living their lives-families walking dogs, the dad who plays with his kids dressed in costume. I hear laughter and the things people say to their pets late at night when they think no one is listening. The space itself is cozy, not the spacious studio I always imagined, but I love my little top floor corner of the world- my place to observe life, as well as to create it.

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