Monday, September 28, 2009

Malie and Macie

This is a commission I did recently for a friend of my sister. It is of her two daughters, and I heard that she really loved it. I think it turned out so cute!
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Friday, September 25, 2009

Vintage complete

I posted a photo of these pieces in progress a couple of weeks ago. Here is the set completed. I love the pieces individually, but as a collection I love them even more! To see these pieces in person (and buy one for yourself!) don't miss my vintage show on October 23.
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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

To the Art Cave

Hello friends! As promised, here are a couple of picks from this past weekend's West Greenville Arts Festival. The first one is my tent setup, which by the end of the weekend became known as the Art Cave. This was also the only brief period of time when you could see blue sky and it wasn't raining.

Sadly, most of the weekend looked more like this:

For those of you who wimped out and didn't brave the storms, no worries! I will be participating in the Trillium Arts Fair in Travelers Rest on October 3, plus a bunch of other events between now and Christmas that I will tell you about later. Stay tuned!
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Monday, September 21, 2009

Lady in Red

Hello friends! Thanks to all who braved the rain to come out to the West Greenville Arts Festival this weekend. I will post a few photos of the fun, but rain soaked affair as soon as I find where I stashed my camera. In the meantime, here are a couple more pieces for the upcoming Oil and Rouge Show. I am almost done with the art, and I have almost exactly a month until showtime! Plus, a couple of other events happening before that show. It's going to be a busy holiday season!
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Thursday, September 17, 2009

I'm to tired to think up a title or anything to say, but I love this one...
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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Multitude of Mugs!

I did quite a lot of painting today, but the thing I was most excited about was the arrival of my mugs from my CafePress shop! I ordered them to display at the West Greenville Art Festival this coming weekend, and I just love them! If you want to own one of these mugs with images from my Modern Conveniences series, just visit my CafePress shop, or stop by my tent this weekend.

And, here they are on the beautiful mug tree my dad made for me!
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Monday, September 14, 2009

West Greenville Arts Festival this weekend!

I hope you will come out this weekend to the first ever West Greenville Arts Festival, hosted by Upstate Visual Arts in partnership with the Pendleton Street Arts District. I will be among the over 75 artists working in a variety of two- and three-dimensional media.

The event, devoted to the visual arts, will be the first of its kind in the historic, newly renovated Pendleton Street Arts District. The street festival will not only feature booth artists, food vendors, live music, and children’s activities, but will also encourage interaction with the existing galleries and businesses located in West Greenville through a walking tour of the area.

The event runs Saturday, September 19th from 10am until 7pm, and Sunday, September 20th from 11am until 5pm. Come check it out!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Noises Off! at Greenville Little Theater

Hey friends! Opening tonight at the Greenville Little Theater is Noises Off, hailed as one of the funniest plays ever written! And while you are there, check out my Modern Conveniences series of paintings on display in the lobby. The play runs through September 27, so be sure to check it out!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


12"x 12"
Oil on masonite

I wasn't sure how this piece would look, with the close-up and no features. But, once I finished, I really love it! I especially like the ruffle on the edge of the dress, and the beautiful necklace by Blue Moss!
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Monday, September 7, 2009

Oil and Rouge in G Magazine!

OK, if you read my other blog (or you are my friend on Facebook or Twitter) you have already seen this, but I am so excited that I feel the need to post it everywhere! I was really excited to see the new issue of G Magazine come out last week with the ad for Oil and Rouge: A Vintage Affair! G Magazine has graciously agreed to be a sponsor for the show, and printed a beautiful, eye catching ad. The final details are starting to fall in to place, and I am super excited about the show! Mark your calendars for October 23, and be sure to be there!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

A lot of vintage!

I have shared a few of these smaller pieces I am working on for my vintage show, but today I laid them all out to get an overall impression of the work so far, and I am absolutely in love with them! I am obviously not finished, but I think they already have a pretty big impact as a group. For the show, I am planning on arranging them in a grid similar to this. Hope you like them as much as I do!
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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Mad Men, anyone?

12"x 12"
Oil on Masonite

OK, I admit it...I have never seen Mad Men, although people keep telling me I should check it out. I have seen a lot of photos of the fashion, and it is absolutely right up my alley. But, I just thought this piece had that whole Mad Men vibe, with the sexy gal lounging across a chair and the mysterious guy suavely leaning in the background. If you haven't guessed, this is another piece for my vintage show, Oil and Rouge: A Vintage Affair, coming up on October 23.
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