Tuesday, April 29, 2008

16"x 16"
Oil and Paper on Canvas

In addition to the larger pieces for my June show, I have begun working on several mid-size pieces as well. I am really trying to experiment with these, and that has included playing with the background. For this piece, I covered the canvas with pages from children's stories. I loved the innocence of eating an ice cream (and licking it off your arm) in conjunction with the whimsy of well known fairy tales.
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Monday, April 28, 2008

Congratulations Donna & Drew!

10"x 12"
Graphite on Masonite

In celebration of their wedding this weekend. Congrats!
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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Hello friends! An injured thumb has slowed up my painting a bit (and my typing- it has taken a while to write this sentence!) But, I am very excited about the direction my new pieces are going. Hope you will stay tuned, and I will have more details about my next show as the date approaches.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

"In the Arms of a Mother"

6"x 6"
Graphite on Mat board

To purchase, email me with the title in the subject line.

This is just such a sweet, tender moment. I don't think it reads as well on the computer, but there is quite a bit of texture in that deep black background. I left the border on this one so you could see my fingerprint smudges and where I scribbled down the title so that I wouldn't forget it by the time I finished.
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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

"To Be So Innocent"

6"x 6"
Graphite on Mat board

To purchase, email me with the title in the subject line.

I haven't really sat and drawn much recently, but I spent much of the weekend working on a drawing for a friend and really enjoyed it. That prompted me to do this piece. This was done from a very tiny picture of my mom as a little girl. I love the massive size of the bed as compared to her. I also love the fact that she is about the same size as the teddy bear!
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